使用 CLI 将 Plate UI 组件添加到你的项目中。


使用 init 命令为新的 Plate UI 项目初始化配置和依赖。

The init command installs dependencies, configures tailwind.config.js, and CSS variables for the project.

npx shadcx@latest init plate

你将被问到一些问题来配置 components.json

Which color would you like to use as base color? › Slate
Do you want to use CSS variables for colors? › yes


Usage: shadcx init [options] [registry]

initialize your project and install dependencies

  -d, --defaults    use default values i.e slate and css variables. (default: false)
  -f, --force       force overwrite of existing components.json. (default: false)
  -y, --yes         skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
  -c, --cwd <cwd>   the working directory. defaults to the current directory.
  -a, --all         add all available components. (default: false)
  -n, --name <name> registry name. (default: plate)
  -s, --silent      mute output (default: false)
  --src-dir         use the src directory when creating a new project (default: false)
  --pm <pm>         package manager to use (npm, pnpm, yarn, bun)
  -h, --help        display help for command


使用 add 命令将 Plate UI 组件和依赖添加到你的项目中。

# 使用前缀语法
npx shadcx@latest add plate/editor plate/toolbar
# 或混合使用(从第一个前缀找到的注册表)
npx shadcx@latest add plate/editor toolbar
# 使用 registry 选项
npx shadcx@latest add editor toolbar -r plate


Which components would you like to add? › Space to select. A to toggle all.
Enter to submit.

◯  align-dropdown-menu
◯  avatar
◯  blockquote-element
◯  button
◯  checkbox
◯  code-leaf
◯  code-line-element
◯  code-syntax-leaf
◯  combobox


Usage: shadcx add [options] [components...]

add a component to your project

  components         the components to add.

  -y, --yes         skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
  -o, --overwrite   overwrite existing files. (default: false)
  -c, --cwd <cwd>   the working directory. defaults to the current directory.
  -p, --path <path> the path to add the component to.
  -a, --all         add all available components (default: false)
  -s, --silent      mute output (default: false)
  --src-dir         use the src directory when creating a new project (default: false)
  -r, --registry    registry name or url
  -l, --list        list all available registries (default: false)
  -h, --help        display help for command


在 monorepo 中,你可以使用 -c--cwd 选项指定你的工作区路径。

npx shadcx@latest init plate -c ./apps/www


npx shadcx@latest add plate/editor -c ./apps/www

Example components.json

以下是一个为 shadcn/ui 和 Plate UI 配置的 components.json 文件示例:

  "$schema": "",
  "style": "default",
  "rsc": true,
  "tsx": true,
  "tailwind": {
    "baseColor": "slate",
    "config": "tailwind.config.ts",
    "css": "src/app/globals.css",
    "cssVariables": true,
    "prefix": ""
  "aliases": {
    "components": "@/components",
    "hooks": "@/hooks",
    "lib": "@/lib",
    "ui": "@/components/ui",
    "utils": "@/lib/utils"
  "iconLibrary": "lucide",
  "registries": {
    "plate": {
      "aliases": {
        "ui": "@/components/plate-ui"
      "url": ""